Thursday, July 21, 2005

light step

both dreaming as in sleeping
yet feeling awake
wool pillow
cotten flannel
i always try to punch in dreams
but i never actually make contact
i stare at a chin and bring slow a fist
and watch it raise and lower
having anger in dreams makes
an unsettled awake of feelings
not surfaced of you

ear stop

sitting quiet watching thumping
crash lifting sholder swinging
but you writing quiet head poking
no wallet gone as mine still too
just two small kids at the back in the woods
having nothing to say and no silence to hear it
hello i am me and you are you
but he whispered to me about a hand
you once held but i only noticed
that you wrote down the words
romancing each letter more than
any lover could ever

Friday, July 01, 2005

pressing palms

bringing a thread to the ridges and around the wrinkled curves, ill sew these fingers together
from a brown eye, green, blue eyed brown red thread around the seems
our hands will come together and make a fan which winds a fire
if there is a fire in a forest which never spreads yet never dies
that means your hands will stay together fans which never touches soil
hanging there along the fire reaching down 4 hands of each
are tied and fan the ways with guts be gutting down the bark peel place
no water near which makes us cry to east west craving salty making waves
with just a fan and our 4 hands
weve carved a resting spot up top a banging wind from 4 hands fan
and never fighting my mark making a use of hands which our ties making
wind burning the fire always at nights in the quiet 4 hands